Can you freeze cabbage?

Yes, cabbage can be frozen, however the wedges, quarters or shredded cabbage must first be blanched.

Cut the head of cabbage in half from top to bottom through the thick core.  Cut the halves in half.  Depending on the size of the head you may want to cut the quarters in half making eight pieces from the head.  Remove the cored from each piece.

Drop the cabbage wedges into boiling salted water for about six minutes then remove the cabbage to ice water to stop the cooking.  When the cabbage is completely cooled, drain the wedges to remove as much water as possible.  If the cabbage has been shredded, spin it in the salad spinner.

Place the blanched cabbage in plastic bags and force out as much air as possible then freeze it.

To use the frozen cabbage, thaw it for about 20 minutes.  Remove the cabbage from the plastic bag and drain for 5-10 minutes in a colander.  and proceed to cook it while it is still somewhat frozen.

Fry the cabbage in olive oil and season with salt, pepper and minced garlic

Steam the cabbage and serve with butter and salt and pepper.

Plunge the cabbage into boiling salted water for 3-4 minutes.  Drain and served with butter or olive oil and salt and pepper.

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